Monday, July 6, 2009

PICARESQUE :: West Coast Premiere

Mikey DeTemple's highly-touted and well-received (on the East Coast and Japan, so far) new surf flick, PICARESQUE will be making its West Coast Premiere this Thursday at the Hurley Headquarters in Costa Mesa (invite and details here). 

Exotic locales, a range of wave-riding apparati, groovy tunes, talented sliders, beautiful cinematography, and well-executed editing. 

Whether you're a fan of surfing, lookin' for a surfer dude to take home to mama, enjoy interrupting movies with the occasional 'hoot' or 'holler', or just need something better to do on a Thursday night than watch a sit-com, come on by. All are welcome. Entry is free (I believe). Mikey will be glad you came. And if you haven't ever been to a surf movie premiere, it's definitely something to try at least once in your life. Who knows, it may just bring out the inner-hipster inside you. That, or it'll make your appreciate and from now on heed the warning from your parents about those damn surf bums. 

Check out the trailer. Hope to see you Thursday.

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