Monday, July 6, 2009

Some New Tunes: The Smart Brothers

The highlight was the folky brother duo, The Smart Brothers. Armed with a range of instruments, an awkwardly funny sense of humor, black suits and ties (a la The Blues Brothers), and a simple, yet soothing foot-beating sound, the brothers kept the crowd enraptured by the pleasant hour-long set. Words can rarely do good music justice, so listen for yourself. Find 'em here. This is certainly NOT for the rap-aholic out there. 

The new Almond unveilings were the super-stylish, somewhat retro boardshorts (in a range of colors), a few t-shirt designs, and a teaser of their in-progress video project (the gist is that Nathan Adams is silky smooth slider, or in shortboard terms, he rips). 

I've talked about the Almond team and their faithful, ultra-friendly leader, Dave Allee before, but if you want to find out what may be coming up in the near future or just want to check out what all the fuss is about (the boards are constantly moving in and out, always something new and eye-catching on the racks), walk in and say 'hey!' Everyone's nice, knowledgeable and willing to chit-chat. 

1 comment:

Worm said...

the smart brothers were incredibly rad and i can't wait to read your write up of dave/almond in morsurf