Saturday, February 27, 2010

Project 365: Weeks IV - VII

Living in New York has given me my first exposure to real winter weather. Well, my first exposure to the seasons actually changing. It's been refreshing, but for the purpose of photography, on days when the weather is just a bit too brutal, it becomes a bit dull to shoot photos in the apartment over and over. I've also been stuck in small, drab rooms writing for hours on end; another not so aesthetically pleasing sight. That said, some days have been amazing for shooting. I try to have my camera on me whenever possible and sometimes it pays off, sometimes it's quite cumbersome. That said, as adorable as my cat may be ("FAIL Cat-In-The-Box"), she shouldn't be making too may more appearance. I need to get back on pace to shooting rather regularly. Here's the past few weeks. Enjoy folks.

Day 30 – "Notes"

Day 31 – "Fragile Ocean"

Day 32 (Feb. 1) – "Cluttered Work Space"

Day 33 – "Snowed Out"

Day 34 – "Pick Your Weapon"

Day 35 – "Subway Spin"

Day 36 – "Graffiti Lines"

Day 37 – "Entertaining Trash"

Day 38 – "Shaka"

Day 39 – "FAIL Cat-In-The-Box" (Better than the Twitter Fail Whale)
-No photo taken this day-

Day 40 – "Jumbo Patriotism"

Day 41 – "No Game Today"

Day 42 – "Where the Work Happens"

Day 43 – "Snow Tracks"

Day 44 – "Three Men in Black"

Day 45 – "Shrimp(s)(?)"

Day 46 – "FAIL Cat-In-The-Box"

Day 47 – "Snow Walk"

Day 48 – "In Transit"

Day 49 – "FAIL Cat-In-The-Box"

Day 50 – "Pure Excitement"

Day 51 – "Prayer Candles"

Day 52 – "From Brooklyn Bridge"

Day 53 – "The City That Never Sleeps"

Day 54 – "Three Layer Art"

Day 55 – "FAIL Cat-In-The-Box"

Day 56 – "Kitchenware"

Day 57 – "Snowy Branches"

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