Monday, August 16, 2010

NYC Leftovers: Washington Square

Finding old photos on a memory card is better than finding money in a pair of pants. Money can always be found, memories and images aren't quite as easy to recapture. There were a number of other photos on this card, but this is the one that stood out. The exposure isn't perfect and the dude on the right is a bit chubbier than I'd prefer for my shot, but this struck me as so Summer in New York. This was one of my last days in the city before leaving for Houston. I was staying with my sister and it was uncomfortably warm in her apartment, so I grabbed my camera and took a stroll. While passing through Washington Square, I came upon this scene. It was so very hot on this day, and with few refuges in the city, numerous people congregated within spraying distance of the fountain. Technically it's illegal to be splashing around in the fountain, but only the adults were being ticketed for breaking that rule. And I even saw one cop let someone off the hook after a few kind, apologetic words.

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